Under the Theme of " Local Development as a Pathway for Economic Recovery "
, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Taiz University, organizes the 1st Economic Conference on Economic Situation and Recovery Opportunities (ESRO) October 15 – 17, 2024


Yemen has been experiencing deterioration across various aspects of development, a weakening of its developmental capacities, a shortage of local financial resources, and a significant imbalance in its economic structure, particularly following the onset of war in 2015. This imbalance has been exacerbated by declining investment rates, the outflow of both local and foreign capital, resulting in a stagnation of the development process, increased dependence on imports, expansion of structural disparities, governance weaknesses, and intricate challenges in rebuilding institutions, infrastructure, and establishing the groundwork for economic recovery. Consequently, there is a need for economic discussions and dialogues led by experts and those interested in proposing potential solutions that address current issues or, at the very least, mitigate them, while outlining a vision for a more prosperous future for the Yemeni economy. This should involve enhancing the roles of both the private and public sectors based on sound principles that take into account past experiences, current challenges, and future opportunities. In light of the above, the Deanship of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences recognized the necessity of hosting a scientific conference that aims at diagnosing the economy through a comprehensive study of existing issues and proposing suitable solutions, with a specific emphasis on local development as a pathway to economic recovery. The conference serves as an invitation to gather the insights, perspectives, and experiences of researchers, academics, and interested individuals from both within and outside Yemen, and to explore how these inputs can be utilized to achieve the conference's objectives. The organization of this conference signifies an advancement in the role of Taiz University within society, with the anticipated outcomes of the conference serving as a valuable contribution to scientific research endeavors and the community service commitments upheld by the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in alignment with its mission and vision


    1. To assess the current state of the Yemeni economy.
    2. To evaluate the effectiveness of economic policies in Yemen.
    3. To highlight the importance of local development in sustainable growth.
    4. To recognize the pivotal role of the private sector in fostering economic diversification and sustainability.
    5. To analyze the impact of the dynamic relationship between the Yemeni banking sector and overall economic stability.
    6. To examine the influence of social and environmental factors on promoting sustainable development, drawing on empirical evidence from various countries.
    7. To establish a vision for the future of the Yemeni economy and outline its key characteristics.
    8. To facilitate scholarly and research exchanges and collaboration among economists and researchers from both within and outside Yemen to address current economic challenges in the country.
    9. To contribute to the realization of the vision and mission of Taiz University and the Faculty of Administrative Sciences by promoting excellence and leadership in scientific research and knowledge generation.


In order to achieve the objectives of the conference and ensure its success with high-quality research characterized by authenticity, objectivity, and knowledge contribution, applicants are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Papers should demonstrate seriousness, authenticity, use sound language, and be relevant to the stated objectives of the conference, falling within one of its designated topics.
2. Adherence to academic standards commonly followed in scientific research is essential. 3. The research should not have been previously published, submitted for publication to an arbitration body, awarded an academic degree to its author, or presented at another scientific conference.
4. A list of sources and references must be provided at the end of the research, arranged according to the APA citation system.
5. Researchers are required to submit their curriculum vitae along with their research.
6. Researchers are expected to make any modifications requested by the scientific committee to their research and submit them by the specified deadline.
7. Email is the preferred mode of communication for all correspondence related to the conference.


Conference Committees
Conference Axes


Submission of Research Paper Proposals (Abstracts)
Deadline: July 15, 2024
Results of Research Abstracts Evaluation
Deadline: July 25, 2024
Research Reception
Deadline: Aug 20, 2024
Research Arbitration Result
Deadline: Sep 5, 2024
Submission of Research Paper in its Final Form
Deadline: Sep 15, 2024
Conference Proceedings
Deadline: Oct 15 - 17, 2024