Abstract Submission Guidelines

Research abstracts can be submitted through the links corresponding to each axis. The reception of abstracts will continue until May 25, 2024.
Abstract in Arabic
Title: Calibri (font 15 bold) (Centered)
First Researcher’s Name: Calibri (font 14 bold), Academic degree, Department, College, University, and Country
First Researcher’s Email: First Researcher is responsible for correspondence
Second Researcher’s Name (if found): Calibri (font 14 bold), Academic degree, Department, College, University, and Country Second Researcher’s Email
Abstract in Arabic: Traditional Arabic (font 14) Abstract must include problem, goal, importance, hypotheses (if found), methodology, cognitive and standard model used, and research structure
KeyWords should be included as well at the end of the Arabic abstract.
Abstract in English
Title: Times New Roman (font 14 bold) (Centered)
First Researcher’s Name in English: Times New Roman (font 13 bold), Academic degree, Department, College, University, and Country
First Researcher’s Email: First Researcher is responsible for correspondence
Second Researcher’s Name (if found) in English: Times New Roman (font 13 bold), Academic degree, Department, College, University, and Country Second Researcher’s Email
Abstract in English: Times New Roman (font 13)
Abstract must include problem, goal, importance, hypotheses (if found), methodology, cognitive and standard model used, and research structure.
KeyWords should be included as well at the end of the Arabic abstract.
  • Note: An abstract should be submitted to the axis corresponding to its topic.
  • Dear Researchers and academics, We assure you that all abstracts submitted at the conference will be published in a special conference book. It is worth noting that distinguished researches will be published in reputable and peer-reviewed scientific journals. We hope that the abstracts will be submitted according to the previous technical guidelines by clicking on the submission link below the axis as follows:

    Yemeni Economy: The Current Situation and Recovery Challenges

    - Assessing the current Yemeni economic situation.
    - Economic structural imbalances.
    - Economic policies.
    - Economic diversification as a gateway to sustainable economy.
    - Climate change and its impact on the economy and adaptation conditions.
    - Enhancing economic resilience and achieving economic stability.
    - Accounting reform for public finance (towards a program and performance budgeting system).


    Yemeni Banking Sector and Macroeconomic Stability

    - The current state of the banking sector and the required developmental roles.
    - The Central Bank of Yemen: Rescue and Recovery Policies.
    - Exchange rate fluctuations and the role of the parallel market.
    - Auctions of the Central Bank and their impact on the exchange rate.
    - The impact of financial innovation on economic growth


    Local Development

    - Local development within the framework of sustainable development.
    - Improving the shortcomings in the basic dimensions of human development.
    - Balanced Local Development: Reducing Developmental Inequalities and Ensuring Citizen Welfare.
    - Local authorities as an empowerment element for local economic development.
    - The dilemma of resource mobilization and the role of local councils in resource mobilization.
    - Digital economy and improvement of local services.
    - Development plans for local councils (discussion of the economic and social development plan for Taiz Governorate as an example).
    - Challenges and inequalities in governance
    - International standards for preparing financial reports and their role in promoting economic development
    - The role of auditing in enhancing tax base.



    Private Sector: Roles and Partnership Requirements.

    - Government policies related to private investment.
    - The private sector as an engine for growth.
    - Small projects and the shift towards entrepreneurship.
    - Partnership between the public and private sectors in service delivery and applicability.
    - Youth and the private sector as the basis for development and a pillar of economic reconstruction.



    Economic Recovery and Reconstruction

    - The consequences of war and the requirements for reconstruction.
    - The necessary paths in reconstruction.
    - Countries' experiences in recovery and reconstruction.



    Social and Environmental Dimensions of Promoting Sustainable Development (Empirical Evidences from Different Countries)

    -Elements of intellectual capital and possibilities for enhancing sustainable development.
    - The role of higher education institutions in promoting sustainable development.
    - Entrepreneurship and its role in promoting sustainable development.
    - Data science and its contribution to sustainable development.
    - Investment in renewable energy and its impact on sustainable development.
    - Sustainable development goals and their relationship to economic growth.
    - Environmental economics and its connection to sustainable development.
    - Unemployment, poverty and their implications for economic growth.
    - Green environment initiatives and their impact on promoting sustainable development.
